Friday, December 19, 2008

Another night...

We're staying another night. Josie's weight is still near 10% down from her birth weight and the pediatricians here are conservative and want to measure her again tomorrow. Coming in tomorrow would mean waiting in a waiting room with sick kids & parents in the pediatric urgent care; staying means they can weigh her easily and no waiting and a scheduled followup (short waiting) on Monday. Also, we can utilize the knowledge set of the folks here for breast feeding and what not. Leaving today would have been leaving a day early, so we're in for the full four nights allowed/suggested.

We're sleeping when Josie sleeps, so good night!


sheryl said...

Hope todays weight is better. Not unusual tho for it to take a while for the weight to go up. I'm sure they told you that. Breastfeeding does take a while to get going well. and Mel's physical and emotional health are connected. She is still healing...

SwedeLife said...

My midwife 2 cents- 10% drop is the textbook published norm for drop in the first few days.

Babies come out wiht a layer of 'brown fat' which burns quickly and is intended to be their calorie resource for the firs tfew days of life while the colostrum works its magic on the gut and immune system and the second ('real') milk comes in giving more calories.

So don't worry! Sounds textbook to me! Glad nursing is going well :)