Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Fun thoughts of the night

Some random thoughts & observations & a few pics:

* Josie has a callus on her knuckle where she's been sucking on it. The Doctor still has calluses on his pinkies from when he was a kid and when he slips into kid mode while asleep.

* It's hard to believe that she's not even two days old. I already feel like she's redefined me, us, and our futures.

* She had her first non-blood-relative visitor today:

* She slept very peacefully today:

* Her feet seem long.

* She has been eating for 90 minutes out of the first 5 hours of her third day. This might be the "feeding frenzy" the books talk about that is designed to help Ilsa bring in the milk. Evolution is cool.


lornadoone1972 said...

Yay for more pics and for visits and all the joys of people meeting Josie... glad to hear all is still going well and to see some pics of the doc and Josie too! Thinking of you! L

SwedeLife said...

She's really beautiful. I've seen lots of new babies, and I can tell ya, ya' might think they are all instantly so cute, but not the case! Josie is a real keeper.

It is amazing, though, the way biology does kick in and make you feel at most stages that your spawn is just the cutest, most interesting, brilliant little being that ever was. But mostly, it's true.

I hope everything in the days to come flows easily, and you can just be in the new baby love bubble. It pops, and day to day life comes back, so do what you can to protect your little new family and stay in your little world as long as you can.

Have the grandma and grandpa stock that fridge and freezer- you'll want insta- meals you can defrost and cook in the days to come because that baby is not getting off the booby anytime soon, I'd bet. And Ilsa will be best chillin at home in bed for a bit to recover. Get the mama some (non- baby related) books, magazines, books on tape and dvds so she won't lose her mind sitting around nursing for the next few weeks!!

Anonymous said...

I love seeing the new pics! All the Josephine excitement is contagious, cross-country contagious at that! She is soooo lovely and new and pink ;) The 'Derfs have some tall genes, so who knows, she might just sprout into those long feet?? I hope she stays tiny long enough for Adam and I to come and visit!

Heidi said...

What's the story on the weight gain? Will she have to supplement with formula or something? Any news on when you guys can go home? Then again, that view is pretty sweet...maybe you can just move your furniture and Penny in there. ;-) Love to you three...